Are you committed to inspiring a love of stories from a young age?
Would you like children to see historical changemakers as memorable, inspiring role models?
Are you looking to raise aspirations and show children how they are already on the path
to being a ‘real life author’?
I am Julia Stebbing, an author and grandmother living in north London who loves writing in rhyming verse and reading her stories to children. I want children to learn in an entertaining way and to encourage them to enjoy reading and writing their own stories.
I love playing with words – hence I write in rhyming verse. Through my books I want children to learn how much they can achieve even though it may seem impossible at the time, and to understand the value of making friends.
Remarkable Women in Verse brings historical figures to life and, through poetry, teaches children what can be achieved despite tremendous odds. It’s suitable for KS2 and KS3 and supports the history curriculum, the Plots and Protests topic and are a conversation starter for many aspects of the PSHE curriculum.
Wow – what an informative and interesting book. I knew a lot of the backgrounds of the women in the book but the way their stories are told is such an innovative and imaginative way. This could easily be used in schools to help students understand further and even as a tool to help them recall more about other historical figures.
Review, Linda Hill
The children were very engaged. They are knowledgeable on Rosa Parks and loved the rhyming verse. It was a fun way to learn the story for those who didn’t know it and made it more interesting for those who did. A truly inspiring poem!
Remarkable Women in Verse, Lower KS2 Writing Co-ordinator, West London school
In the picture books, When Moggie Met Froggie, When Moggie and Froggie Met Doggie and Rainbow Cat and Mouse, children learn about making friends, maintaining those friendships and how to handle bullying. This develops their confidence and self-esteem. As well as friendship, Rainbow Cat and the Big Tidy teaches children the value of working as a team and keeping the environment tidy and is a great hook for eco initiatives. The stories are suitable for EYFS and KS1.
We would use this book to think about how a small act of kindness can make a big difference to people. You can find friendships in unlikely places. The book would also promote cooperation and working as a team (all very important skills in life).
When Moggie Met Froggie St Margaret’s School
'It was lovely having you read your own work out to them, allowing them to hear the intonation of the rhyming words in the text, just the way it was meant to be heard.'
Teacher, Year 2
The language is so well balanced that Julia Stebbing blends familiar words with new vocabulary that enhances children’s language acquisition even as they are enjoying a light-hearted and humorous story. The rhyme not only affords the opportunity for children to predict what is coming next to reinforce language skills, but it is so smooth that it makes reading the story aloud a real pleasure because it flows so effectively.
When Moggie and Froggie Met Doggie Review, Linda Hill
All my books use rhyme to improve vocabulary and comprehension in a light-hearted and memorable way.
Remarkable Women in Verse
After reading one of the stories, we discuss its relevance today, the historical and social implications, talk about writing in rhyming verse, the importance of good grammar, becoming an author and self-publishing. A Find the Word game and a Codeword will be forwarded before the visit.
When Moggie Met Froggie, When Moggie and Froggie Met Doggie, Rainbow Cat and Mouse and Rainbow Cat and the Big Tidy.
We discuss friendship, vocabulary, rhyming verse, the publishing process and the importance of not dropping litter. Colouring pages will be forwarded before the visit. If time permits, I read two stories.
School visits are £75 for 45 minutes-one hour and £50 for each subsequent hour.

North Greenwich library reading to 100 local children
I would love to answer any questions the children may have and look at rhyming verse they have written. I am also happy to offer a signed copy of my books at a special price to be discussed at the time of booking.
For further information please email julia@stickybunpublishing.com
Tel 07901 554899
Inspire your children and increase aspirations with a memorable author visit.